Now, I think it’s safe to say that Fox has pretty much ruined the Fantastic Four, at least speaking in terms of movies. Now, Marvel Studios may have reason to want the rights, but not to make a Fantastic Four Movie.

Fox, in my opinion, let F4 fans down for the last time; they finally took down the release date for F4 2, and there’s no sign of them making another one. Now, Marvel Studios may want the F4 rights, but not for the F4. They want Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom, and most importantly, Galactus. Now, after Thanos most likely dies after the conclusion of Infinity Wars and Phase 3, Marvel’s going to need another bigger, supposedly cosmic, superpower to threaten a team made of some of the best heroes in the universe.

Now, there is two ways for Marvel Studios to get the rights.

Way 1.) Marvel, since they have ownership of all X-Men Video Games and Toys, could simply trade those for the F4 rights.

But, since Fox doesn’t seem to want to make another movie with the F4…

Way 2.) Marvel waits for Fox’s ownership to expire after they don’t use the F4 likenesses for the right amount of time.

Personally, I believe Marvel will choose the second option because it’s obvious they don’t need the F4 rights (yet). They have built a well-known, HUGE company from likenesses that were generally unknown to the general public. So, that is the general update.

This is also all explained in Movie Mania Episode 4.5 which you can watch here or listen to on Spreaker! (Which we are now on!!!)
