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Marveltheory — May 3, 2015


Marveltheory is a website where I upload the latest theories of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). These are compiled from many sources including YouTube and Comic Book series that go along with the movies. I will have both theories with spoiler alerts and without. Scroll through to find articles and theories that interest you! This is marveltheory thanks for reading and enjoy the nerdiness!!!!!!!!

Check out the Nerdy Geek Talk channel to see my theories in videos, specifically our movie podcast, Movie Mania! You can check out our channel at

Here is the latest episode of Movie Mania, Episode 4!

Who Wants F4 Rights? Marvel Studios? — December 1, 2015

Who Wants F4 Rights? Marvel Studios?

Now, I think it’s safe to say that Fox has pretty much ruined the Fantastic Four, at least speaking in terms of movies. Now, Marvel Studios may have reason to want the rights, but not to make a Fantastic Four Movie.

Fox, in my opinion, let F4 fans down for the last time; they finally took down the release date for F4 2, and there’s no sign of them making another one. Now, Marvel Studios may want the F4 rights, but not for the F4. They want Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom, and most importantly, Galactus. Now, after Thanos most likely dies after the conclusion of Infinity Wars and Phase 3, Marvel’s going to need another bigger, supposedly cosmic, superpower to threaten a team made of some of the best heroes in the universe.

Now, there is two ways for Marvel Studios to get the rights.

Way 1.) Marvel, since they have ownership of all X-Men Video Games and Toys, could simply trade those for the F4 rights.

But, since Fox doesn’t seem to want to make another movie with the F4…

Way 2.) Marvel waits for Fox’s ownership to expire after they don’t use the F4 likenesses for the right amount of time.

Personally, I believe Marvel will choose the second option because it’s obvious they don’t need the F4 rights (yet). They have built a well-known, HUGE company from likenesses that were generally unknown to the general public. So, that is the general update.

This is also all explained in Movie Mania Episode 4.5 which you can watch here or listen to on Spreaker! (Which we are now on!!!)


Ant-Man Movie Review — August 23, 2015

Ant-Man Movie Review

Hey guys, I’m REALLY sorry about how late this article is, but I have it out now. So, this is NightWolf (Marveltheory), and this is my full movie review of the Ant-Man movie.

Overall, this was a fun movie, with lots of humor, similar to the tone of Avengers, but the humor is not nearly as out-of-place as it seems to be in Avengers. Scott Lang, the Ant-Man in this movie, is played by Paul Rudd, which I thought was pretty great casting, along with Hank Pym being played by Micheal Douglas. However, on the other hand, I thought Evangeline Lilly as Hope Van Dyne wasn’t the best casting. I would say she played a good stern Hope, but at the point (mini-spoiler) where she turns soft on Scott, I think she played the same tone, not changing as the character should’ve. Honestly, I think Emma Stone would have been a much better choice for the role. Corey Stoll as Darren Cross/Yellow Jacket was a very good choice, though. I think that the overall plot was semi-predictable, but still very good. Scott and his crime buddies brought a good, lighthearted tone to contrast the more serious dynamic between Hank, Hope, and Darren.

I just have a couple specific things I would like to mention individually. One of them is the fight with Sam Wilson/Falcon. It was kind of funny, especially how he didn’t want Cap to know that Ant-Man beat him. However, I felt like the fight was forced and unnecessary. I felt like they just wanted to have an Avenger in the film. The special effects and the actual battle of the fight was very interesting and good though. Now that I think about it, in the cut scene, Falcon says he knows a guy, referring to Ant-Man, but I feel like they could’ve met or had that happen in a different way.

A dumb thing that Marvel Studios has been doing now is, like at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy, words on the screen read “The Guardians will return.” or “Ant-Man will return.” I don’t like this because it’s obvious that Marvel isn’t going to make one solo movie and that be the end of that character. It’s Marvel, they’re going to tie it in with other heroes, which don’t get me wrong, I like, but everyone knows it; Marvel is just putting unnecessary things on the screen.

The last thing that I would like to complain about is when Ant-Man goes sub-atomic, which for those of you who know the comics, means that he goes into the micro-verse. Number one stupid thing about this is, they don’t explain why he doesn’t even attempt to look for Wasp/Janet, and maybe there’s like a reason, but I sure didn’t get it if there was one. He had a way he could easily get out, and he could get her out too. The other thing about this is, the visual effects were just terrible. They put a bunch a random mirror effects that just made it look like he walked into a fun house. I was thoroughly disappointed with the way they represented that on screen.

Overall, a great movie, I would recommend seeing it if you haven’t already.

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Nerdy Geek Talk — July 5, 2015

Nerdy Geek Talk

So I am starting a podcast with Erimus Prime that I will be posting on YouTube, probably Stitcher, and my other site at We will talk about more than the MCU including transformers and comics. I will still be posting on this site but probably less often and more on nerdygeektalk. So make sure to check that out and subscribe! I will have the link to the YouTube channel very soon! This is marveltheory (a.k.a. NightWolf) thanks for reading!!!

The REAL Origin of Vision — May 21, 2015

The REAL Origin of Vision

Just to tell you, this is NOT a theory, it’s just information. So enjoy.

So, in the comics, Vision has a totally different origin in the comics than in the new Avengers movie (Don’t worry, no spoilers). In the movie, they totally change up his origin. However, it’s sad they didn’t use the real one because…well, we’ll get to that in a little bit. So, the original Human Torch, who was an android, was his own superhero. He was dying for some reason, and he went out into the desert somewhere where he could go nova without harming anybody. Years later, the villain Mad Thinker found his body and brought him back to life. He then fought the Fantastic Four and then he died, yet again. Mad Thinker gave the lifeless body to Ultron, who claimed he wanted a son. He tried to make an android type guy who wouldn’t remember being the Human Torch. When he first tried, Ultron forced the Human Torch’s creator to help him, and make his face scarlet as sort of a joke, so Ultron could remember the android’s heritage as the Human Torch, while the android himself wouldn’t. However, when he turned the android on, it turned out he still remembered being the Human Torch. The Torch’s creator had not erased his memory, because he couldn’t bring himself to destroy Torch’s soul. Ultron kills the Professor and the android, then uploading a different Marvel character’s personality to it, called Wonder Man, he was able to control him as a soldier. This is when Ultron got exactly what he wanted. He sent the android to attack the Avengers, but he turned on Ultron and basically became an Avenger. Now, however, is when the story gets interesting. Later, in West Coast Avengers, the government analyzes Vision’s body after he tried to take over the world through computers and stuff and yeah because, well…reasons. Anyway, they actually find the Human Torch’s Android body buried. Vision phases down to see that it is, in fact, the actual body. Scarlet Witch uses her powers to bring Torch back to life and him and Vision shake hands, proving that they are separate beings. And, that’s it…for about ten years, until Avengers forever. They bring Immortus in, who is basically a reincarnation of Kang the Conqueror. Supposedly, the body Mad Thinker brought back was Torch, but then the dead body after the fight with Fantastic Four, Immortus used his mind powers to just…make the Fantastic Four leave his body there to be found/given to Ultron. However, Immortus apparently used a time gem thingy called the Forever Crystal to split the time stream, but somehow keep two Torch bodies in the time stream. Ultron used one body of Torch, wh ile the other body is buried. Now, you’re probably thinking why the heck would Immortus do that? Well, since Vision loved Scarlet Witch and they got married and stuff and then she doesn’t know his origin and who he really is, Scarlet Witch is now very distraught and mentally unstable and vulnerable and stuff. So, Immortus uses this to his advantage and uses her powers for evil and teams up with her. This is marveltheory thanks for reading!!!

In Captain America One: The First Avenger, you see the original Human Torch’s body in a showcase at the Stark Expo, but (Super Small Spoiler but not really), sadly, simply because Marvel Studios didn’t feel like it, we won’t be seeing absolutely ANY of that connection. Personally, I’m disapointed with this, but let me know your thoughts in the comments!!!

P.S. I will have more videos up soon; I will probably lump all Guardians theores into one.

Kang the Conqueror — May 11, 2015

Kang the Conqueror

So, in the scene in Guardians of the Galaxy where they are viewing (Spoiler, I guess, but not really) the past where the celestial is using the infinity stone, in the background you see a pyramid. This could be the doing of Kang the Conqueror. Kang was an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, and he used the time gem to travel to the future, where he is a villain. This would easily tie in with the ongoing infinity gauntlet story-line and he could appear in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, or, more likely, Doctor Strange. This is marveltheory thanks for reading!!!

Black Panther (solo movie) — May 5, 2015

Black Panther (solo movie)

In Avengers Age of Ultron (spoiler alert), Ulysses Klau is in it, and he gets his arm ripped off by ultron. Of course, this is setting up the villain for Black Panther: Klaw. He already had vibranium in Age of Ultron, so he will most likely use it to make his sound weapon that acts as a prosthetic for his arm. This is marveltheory thanks for reading!!!

See Black Panther in theaters on November 3, 2017. (USA)

Peter Quill’s Father!!! —

Peter Quill’s Father!!!

Peter Quill’s father may be Adam Warlock. For those of you who don’t know who Warlock is, I will briefly explain his origin. So this group of bad guys tried to create “The Perfect Being”, which they essentially did, but since he was perfect, he lashed out and ran away since he didn’t want to be used for evil. At this time, he did not have a name and was just referred to as “Him”. He kidnapped Lady Sif, not knowing it was wrong, and Thor attacked him and injured him a lot. Weakened, “He” ran away into a cocoon where he healed and was reborn as Adam Warlock, who is basically perfect and very powerful. The main reason why he could be Peter Quill’s father is that he has a strong tie-in with the infinity gauntlet story line. Also, his mother described his father as an angel, and also he other woman in it describes his father as an unknown species, which would fit into the Adam Warlock story. This is marveltheory thanks for reading!!!

See Guardians of the Galaxy 2 on May 5, 2017. (USA)

Thor 3: Ragnarok —

Thor 3: Ragnarok

In Thor 3, it’s possible Red Skull will be the main villain. This is because from way back in Captain America 1, it shows a portal to space as Red Skull dies, probably implying that he didn’t die and he was just transferred to a different part of the universe. If he was, he might have been training an alien army for all this time that we haven’t seen him and the plot of Thor 3 could possibly be that Red Skull is attacking Asgard with his alien army. Although, this theory may be sort of unlikely since that wouldn’t really tie in with the running infinity gauntlet plot playing out. This is marveltheory thanks for reading!!!

You can see Thor 3: Ragnarok in theaters on July 28, 2017. (USA)

Nova Corps/Guardians of the Galaxy 2 — May 4, 2015

Nova Corps/Guardians of the Galaxy 2

At the end of Guardians of the Galaxy (Spoiler Alert), The infinity stone is left in the hands of the Nova Corps. This may be because, in the next movie Guardians 2, Marvel is planning to have the Nova Corps experiment with the infinity stones and create Nova and the Nova force, which would be cool since there has been no mention of the at all and they won’t have their own solo movie. This is marveltheory thanks for reading!!!

Guardians of the Galaxy one has already been released and is on DVD.

See Guardians of the Galaxy in theaters on May 5, 2017. (USA)

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 —

Guardians of the Galaxy 2

In the credit scene of Captain America 3: Civil War, I think it will show Hulk being launched into space somehow. This is because,  as it’s happened in the comics, he usually lands on planet Hulk, where he meets the Guardians of the Galaxy. The Guardians are there because they get locked in the prison on that planet, which is the only prison he can’t break out of. They go into some sort of fighting pit where they fight the Hulk, and when Hulk turns back into Bruce Banner, he tells them about the Avengers and Earth. The Guardians tell Hulk about Thanos, and when they come back to Earth (after the civil war), they reunite the Avengers to fight Thanos who possesses the Infinity Gauntlet. This is marveltheory thanks for reading!!!

See Guardians of the Galaxy on May 5, 2017. (USA)